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Ch 5 The Changing Earth

(5.13) The bottom level of the diluvial geologic column.
(5.9) What has been used to hypothesize which continents were at one time joined?
(5.16) Sea-floor spreading is thought to be driven by movement in the *blank*.
(5.9) Scientists who study layers of rocks and their relationships are working in a field called?
(5.10) Examples of this are Uranium-lead method, Carbon-14 method, Potassium-argon method.
(5.12) Which creationary scientist studied meteorology and proposed a hypothesis on how a single ice age could have occurred after the Flood?
(5.5) Which 4 planets raise major questions about the validity of the commonly accepted model for the origin of the solar system?
(5.18) Most secular & young-earth geologists both accept the Plate Tectonics Theory, but disagree on *blank* and how long it took.
(5.12) A creationary scientist's explanation for what caused the extinction of the wooly mammoths includes all except: lack of food, plate tectonics, rising seas, dust storms?
(5.16) Where is the Earth's most recently formed crust? Hint: What is the top of a mid-ocean ridge called?
(5.10) What is the term for the error in logic if a scientist uses index fossils to date rocks, then rocks to date fossils?
(5.4) According to most secular geologists, what was caused by a collision?
(5.9) Geologically, what does the term stratum refer to?
(5.9) Which one of the following four terms does not belong with the other three? span, eon, epoch, age
(5.11) How many days did Noah and his family spend inside the Ark?
(5.3) This hypothesis has been developed by secular scientists to describe how our solar system came into existence.
(5.15) The German meteorologist and geophysicist who proposed the Continental Displacement Theory.
(5.6) The order of events in the Genesis Creation account is (blank) to the order in which secular scientists believe things have evolved?
(5.1) The earliest human records date back to about how many years ago?
(5.9) Geologists estimate an absolute age for a rock by using?
(5.12) Which book of the Bible contains the most references to cold weather, snow, and ice?
(5.4) Which of the following features that exist today do secular scientists believe formed first: atmospheric oxygen, continents, moon, oceans?
(5.13) In which level of the diluvial geologic column would you expect to find the greatest number and variety of fossils?