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Chapter 13 - Microbes

Most archaea like to live in very hot, very salty, and/or very low oxygen conditions, making them ______________
A disease caused by protists, transferred by a mosquito
Number of domains microbes are found in
Beneficial bacteria that live in the intestinal organs
Bacteria that metabolize inorganic compounds
Type of asexual reproduction in bacteria where a cell splits in half
A worldwide outbreak of a disease
E. Coli is an example of a ___________ that lives int eh human digestive system
Transfer of plasmid DNA from one bacterial cell to an adjacent bacterial cell
Archae are not classified as eukarya becasue their cells lack a
Type of bacterial DNA that carry genes for specific functions
Single celled eukaryotes
Viruses are not cells, but they do contain genetic material in a protein container called a ____________
Transfer of a segment of DNA from the environment to a bacterial cell
Surface cells on viruses that dictate what type of cells that the virus will be able to attach to
Viruses replicate using their host's ____________
Transfer of a segment of DNA from a bacteriophage to a bacterial cell
Feeding mechanism of protists that involves "funneling" food into the cell in a vacuole and digesting the food