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Skeletal Tissue

This type of bone appears white, smooth, and solid
End of the bone
This cavity is the hollow space in long bones
Carpals are this type of bone
This type of cartilage connect ribs to sternum
Surrounds cartilage
Process of blood cell production
The organic bone matrix
Combination f clcium phosphate and calcium hyfdroxate
You extract this type of bone marrow
Are mature bone cells
The sternum is this type of bone
Spongy bone in skull
Intervetebral discs are made of this
Connects bone to bone
Aka calcification
This layer of periosteum is superficial
Create new osteoclasts
This and nerves travel through the central canal
Is a semirigid connective tissue that is more flexibe than bone
These fibers connect periosteum to bone
Growth plate
Perforating fibers off of the periosteum
Long bone that connects to the humerus
Rings of bone connective tissue
House osteocytes
This many types of cartilage exist in the adult and juvenile skeletons
Aka mineralization
Stem cells in bone tissue
Long part of a long bone
Sheath covering the outside of bone
The anterior flat bone of the skull
This layer of the periostem is deep
The canal that allows passage of nerves and blood vessels to travel through bone tissue
Clean up the bone matrix
The long bone proximal to ulna
This type of bone is wider than it is long
This color bone marrow gradually becomes more abundant then red marrow as you get older
The long bone proximal to tibia
Primary organ of skeletal system
This and arteries travel throguh the central canal