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Chapter 1 - Hola, ¿qué tal?

In the same manner; also; too
A male child.
Pardon me
A written or printed representation of speech sound.
The informal exchange of ideas by spoken words.
To say that you are highly pleased.
United States
The land of one's birth or citizenship.
A place to teaching and learning.
A female person
Travel case for clothes.
Saying farewell.
I'm from...
A title use before the name of an unmarried woman.
Saying farewell at night.
A word by which a person is known.
How to ask,"Where are you from"?
Vehicle to transport multiple people.
A person who studies.
There is
A person who drives.
A book in which notes are kept.
A person who is visiting a place for pleasure.
A male person
I'm called...
The part of the arm below the wrist.
One who teaches for a profession.
A title used before the name of a man.