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Ethical Issues Terminology Quiz

Ethical Issues Dr. Smith
Legislation enacted to encourage the use of health information to safeguard confidentiality
All values are meaningless and nothing is knowable.
The tasks that are included within the practice of a specialty
Neither moral or immoral
A self-centered person with little regard for others
A type of person who investigates on behalf of the patient when there are problems or complaints in relation to health care services is a patient......
The sole standard of moral conduct - the greatest happiness for the greatest number
The doctrine of truth is not an absolute but relative to the group or the person that holds the belief
Rights that grow out of the nature of man and are necessary to fulfill the ends to which nature calls him
Who is impacted and has a vested interest in a situation?
Selflessness or concern for the welfare of others
Based on the principle of love for humanity and general goodwill
Type of dilemma that does not have a clear right or wrong answer
Ethical theory based on duty/obligation and the perspective that what is right should be done independent of the consequences
The chief good of humans lies in the pursuit of happiness and avoidance of personal pain
Brining about the death of a person who is suffering.
This is the imperative initiated by Kant that a person is obligated to act on the principle that is binding for all people in all situations at all times.
A principle, personal standard or quality considered worthwhile or desirable
Theory concerned with outcome and whether an action produces greater good in the world
The principle that holds that the right action is the one leading to satisfaction of those desires that the individual prefers to have satisfied