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Type 1 and 2 Diabetes

Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is
Example of a rapid acting medication (Brand name)
Damage to the eyes that causes visual impairment; leading cause of blindness
A common sign and symptom in type 2 diabetic patients
This S/S is more commonly seen in type 1 diabetic patients (increased hunger)
People with diabetes should figure out how to safely incorporated this into their daily routines to help maintain weight and increase metabolism
Some of these include, family history, age, genetics, obesity, lack of exercise, and poor diet/nutrition.
Type of cells responsible for producing insulin
Type of diabetes characterized by insulin deficiency; more common in children.
Examples of this includes managing blood glucose levels to remain WDL, checking foot every day, follows a healthy diet, and exercises regularly.
When diabetes is not well controlled and starts causing damage to nerves due to poor blood circulation and poor oxygenation
Hormone that is the "key" to allow glucose into your cells