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Space Review

A piece of rock that has broken off an asteroid that travels through space
Large pieces of rock and metal that orbit the sun between Mars and Jupiter
The second planet from the sun
The path a planet takes around the sun is its ______.
These planets are rocky, small, and have shorter orbital periods
The force that holds planets in orbit around the sun
A ball of gas that produces its own heat and light through nuclear reactions
Looks like a streak of light as it burns up in Earth's atmosphere
The Earth's tilt, along with its orbital path determine the ________ that we experience on Earth
The 6th planet from the sun
A rock from space that reaches the Earth's surface
The 4th planet from the sun
Large, gas planets that have rings and many moons
If the north pole is pointed towards the sun in the northern hemisphere, it is ___________.
The 5th planet from the sun
The characteristic of stars that is most closely related to temperature
The Earth's ________ causes the day/night cycle
Large chunks of ice and rock that have long elliptical orbits, and produce tails of vapor and dust as they near the sun