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Scary Crossword Puzzle!!!

Gov Love Congress Quiz
A mummy's favorite type of music
Where do ghosts go when they are sick? To a _______ doctor!
What do witches ask for at hotels? _______ service
Why does Dracula take medicine? to stop his ________
Why did the skeleton not cross the road? He had no _______
Who is the most famous French skeleton? Napoleon _________
What road has the most ghosts haunting it? A _______ end!
How do you fix a jack o lantern? with a pumpkin ___________
What room is useless for a ghost? A _______ room!
Why is there a gate around cemetaries? Because people are __________ to get in!
What animal is best at baseball?
What do witches put on their bagels? ________ cheese!
What do witches put on their hair? _______ spray!
Who won the Skeleton beauty contest?