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Civics Chapter 5 Sections 1 and 2 notes

The House has the power to __ officials of misconduct in office
The Vice President is the presiding officer to the
Sometimes state lawmakers are drawn to new district lines to help one party gain voting strength
The longest-serving committee member from the minority party leads the members of that party. He or she is called the ranking __member
The House of Representatives has proportional
Each congress is divided into 2
Two thirds__e is needed by the Senate to convict or remove the official from office
Power that Congress has that is not stated explicitly in the constitution
If anything happens to the President or Vice President, he or she is next in
do most of the work of Congress
Most powers given to Congress are listed in Article I, __ 8, of the constitution
The Framers of the constitution wanted the __ branch to have more power than the other 2
Congress alone has the power to declare
The Senate has equal representation, two senators for each
means for the time being
They make sure legislators are present for key votes
If both the Senate and House can get two-thirds vote, they can __ the President’s veto
Clause 18 is also called the __ clause
said, “ Congress is the first branch of the government.”
A temporary committee that deals with special issues; meets until it completes the assigned task
is a person represented by a legislator
This committe Are permanent, meaning they are used each term
We have__houses of Congress because our Framers could agree
Senators serve a six-year
A committee that includes members of both houses; meets to work on specific problems
One of the most important nonlegislative power of Congress is to check on other
are based on populations.
The Supreme Court can declare laws passed by Congress to be
is the business of buying and selling goods and services
The Vice President can vote in the Senate only when there is a
The Senate has the power to approve or reject the __ nominees for various offices.
The __ gave Congress the power to make laws for the United States government
Members who have served the __ usually get to sit on the most interesting committees
A __ vote of the House is needed to impeach an official
The longest-serving majority committee member usually becomes the
President Woodrow __ note the importance of committees
Senators elections are staggered. 33% are elected every two
the majority leader in the House of Representatives is called the speaker of the