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Neurology Cross-Word

Causes decreased cerebral perfusion, ischemia, cell death and edema, manifested by sudden change in LOC, headache, visual disturbance, pupil changes, projectile vomiting and weakness
Inability to close eyes, wrinkle forehead, smile, whistle or grimace
Progressive weakness and atrophy of muscles of the extremities, trunk, bulbar and respiratory muscles, intellect intact, no cure
Temporary neurological deficit resulting from a temporary impairment of blood flow
Impairment of cognitive function, affect and behavior affecting problem solving, memory, orientation, language and personality
Manifestations: stiffness, muscle contraction, and rapid jerking movements
Temporary loss of normal brain function with or without LOC
Imbalance in the production and absorption of cerebral spinal fluid in the ventricles
Chronic, recurrent inner ear disease caused by increased fluid in the endolymphatic labyrinthine, symptoms: vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss
Method used for assessment of impairment of conscious level in response to stimuli
Caused by viral infections, vector borne infections and fungal infections. manifestations: headache, fever, confusion, change in LOC, if vector borne-rash, flaccid paralysis and Parkinson like movements
The last sign of increased intracranial pressure, includes decreased heart rate, widening pulse pressure and slow respirations
Increased pressure within the eye caused by congestion of aqueous humor, unchecked can lead to blindness
Complication of SCI, manifestations: severe HTN, pounding headache, flushed face and neck, profuse perspiration above level of injury, nasal congestion, dilated pupils and slow pulse
Vascular: throbbing, unilateral pain, may have nausea and vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia and can last up to 72 hours
Inflammation of the membranes and the fluid space surrounding the brain and spinal cord, can be bacterial, viral or fungal
Degeneration of the retina, most common cause of legal blindness, no treatment
A progressive immune related demyelination disease of the CNS, often relapsing and remitting with exacerbations and recurrences of symptoms
Manifestations: tremor, rigidity with muscular weakness, bradykinesia and postural instability