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Of Mice and Men

Chapter 1
Having a variety of hues or colors; variegated, like marble
The point where two things come together
An area of land equal to 4,840 square yards
Level, flat ground
Still; without movement
A type of tree with narrow leaves and strong, flexible twigs and branches
A feeling of great physical or mental pain
To think about something; to consider
An amount of money
In a sad, gloomy manner
The part of land that meets a body of water
Quickly; bluntly; abruptly; almost rudely
A small bundle of items rolled up inside of a blanket
A wading bird with a long neck, beak, and legs
A freshwater fish
A type of shade tree with leaves resembling a maple
Machines used on farms to separate the grain or seed from the straw
A device that allows one to view something not directly in the line of sight
To throw large bags of grain on a truck
In a tired way
Removed; took off
Expressed in great detail
Strong flow of water in a definite direction
Tall grass with hollow stems, often found near or in water
A person who travels about on food, usually doing odd jobs