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When Witches go Riding

Good for sucking blood out of a neck
Don't drink this concoction, it can turn you into a frog
Dracula's bed
A house with spirits living inside
Can take the form of a bat and suck your blood
The scream you let out when a monster pops out to eat you
Dress up in a _______
Dead body, great for science class
Where the bodies are buried (most of them)
If a black one crosses your path, it's bad luck!
Skeletons are made of these
Dusty spider house
Another word for Ghost
Big orange fruit we like to carve at the end of October
A witch uses this instead of a car
A witches laugh
He comes to get you when its your time to die!
Ghosts and _______
Disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury
The season's food of choice, especially for the children