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fundamentals of Audio/Video Production

Tending to evok strong impages, emotions or memories
Process of boosting or reducing levels of various frequencies (pitch)
Document outlining the details of an audiovisual production
Integration of sound and images
Process of manipulating and rearranging video clips to create a final product
Theory in picture composition stating imaginary lines should be used to divide the shot into thirds horizontally and vertically, creating nine equal blocks, then focal points should be placed on the lines and at the intersections
Theory developed, studied and demonstrated by Soviet filmmaker, Lev Kuleshov which states viewers derived more meaning from the interation of multiple shots than from a singel shot in isolation
Style of writing in which the subject performs an action indicated by the verb; example: Jane eats apples
Process of art of capturing moving images on electronic media
Extra sapce inclued in the direction a subject is looking or moving; may also be referred to as " looking space" if the subject is not moiving
Alteration of the sound wave
Artifically created, realistic action moises, such as footsteps, recorded separately from video and synchronized with visuals during post production
Textual on-screen label identifying people, places, ect.
Original background (instrumental) music written for a movie
"silence" recorded on location; only background noise is captured
Process of adjusting all sound levels so they average or preak at a consistent target level
Space in the shot above a subject