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Unit 6

Abrupt, blunt, with no formalities
To punish, criticize severely
Extremely strange, unusual, atypical
Performed , suffered, or otherwise experienced by one person in place of another
Stealthy, secret, intended to escape observation; accomplished by fraud
Not subject to change, constant
To coax, persuade or deceive through flattery
To sin, violate a law, go beyond a limit or boundary
Weariness, dissatisfaction from lack of interest or boredom
Set free from deception or error, set right
To plan with ingenuity
An easy job, position requiring little or no work
A damaging or derogatory statement
Departing from the normal, abnormal, irregular
One who rebels against authority, refusing to accept authority
Change from one nature, substsance, or form to another
Very wicked, offensive, hateful
Far in excess of reality, delusion marked by feeling of power, wealth, talent
Leader who exploits popular prejudices to gain power
Chain, shackle placed on the feet