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Delta Phi Epsilon Crossword

The city in which the International Headquarters is located.
Short for the National Development Cooperation, which is designed to assist chapters with house or those desiring housing. This organization promotes the sound physical management for all chapters, provides liability, worker's compensation and property insurance coverage.
The name of our chapter here at Indiana University.
One of the five S's that focuses on interpersonal interaction and leadership development.
The founding school of Delta Phi Epsilon where our Alpha chapter is located.
The official jewel that can be found on the sisterhood badge.
One of the five S's that focuses on making an impact in the community through the giving of time and talent.
Promotes the physical and mental well-being of ones life; also one of our five S's.
Founded by Phillis Kossoff, this foundation is one of Delta Phi Epsilon's philanthropies.
One of Delta Phi Epsilon's international philanthropies that focuses on the importance of celebrating healthy body image and individuality.
This founder was a war correspondent during World War II in Europe and helped relocate Jewish survivors and refugees.
This founder worked with her husband in real estate, taught law, and was active in her community.
Delta Phi Epsilon is governed by the NPC, also known as the National ___________ Council.
Seen as a symbol of what is good in the world, and is also known as the sorority's official mascot.
The amount of philanthropies that Delta Phi Epsilon has adopted.
The amount of pearls that are on our membership badge.
One of our official colors.
Short for the International Governing Board, a board that focuses on the overall governance of the sorority and strategic planning for each biennium.
The foundation that provides annual scholarships to members and resources for educational development.
One of our founders who served as the First International President of Delta Phi Epsilon from 1922 - 1923.
One of our founders who suddenly died during her travels in Europe and serves as an inspiration for us to embrace life and explore the world.
Short for the "International Leadership Forum" and formerly known as convention, this event takes place every other summer and is geared towards individualized personal development.
Has a deep significance to initiated members of Delta Phi Epsilon; has three candles and our motto located on it.
Open Motto of the sorority
The foundation of a sorority; also one of our founding principles.
The official flower for the sorority that dons our colors.
One of our official colors.
Delta Phi Epsilon was the _______ sorority to pledge regular support to ANAD.
First Woman to pass the bar in Fairfield County and one of our five original founders.
A regional operations training that provides resources and workshops for sisters and volunteers.
A focus on fair and just treatment towards others; is also a founding principle of Delta Phi Epsilon.
Love is the foundation of good, healthy relationships and is one of our founding principles.