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Preschool Age Children

Parents should be encouraged to set these with the preschool age child to encourage safety and learn boundaries
Scale used to describe pain; can be used with children as young as three years old; ask child to point to picture that reflects what they are feeling
Disease that recently resurfaced due to not getting vaccinated, begins with symptoms of upper respiratory infections
What is a common reason preschoolers wake during the night or have a fear of going to bed?
Phase describing the main transition of a child's egocentric thought to social awareness (Piaget)
Two words that describe the magical thinking that preschool age children experience in which they believe that their thoughts cause the events in their lives
The idea that children give lifelike qualities to inanimate objects
Children are constantly learning and repeating actions seen and words heard
Disease that presents in three stages-erythema on the face/slapped face appearance, maculopapular red spots, then rash subsides or reappears if skin is irritated
Parents want to establish long term ___ behaviors before society effects the child's views. An example is wearing a bike helmet to prevent head trauma.
What are common drinks that should be limited in the preschool age?
Another word for conscious that describes the psychic apparatus that determines right from wrong
Teaching child to go to the bathroom on their own
What is a common fear of preschoolers in the hospital setting?
Non-pharmacological nursing intervention for pain management; involving the child in play , iPad is an example
Parents should be educated on this prophylactic method of preventing childhood illness
Child's sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in their activities (Erikson)
Child's fantasy playmate
Childs feeling of fear and anxiety when they don't behave appropriately (Erikson)