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The Life of David in review

Saul went to Carmel to set up a monument to ________ page 17
Measure the size of your _______against the size of your God
David's instrument
1Samuel 16:7 The Lord looks at the _____
They sang about Saul killing thousands and David killing 10 thousands
How did David's Brother react to him when he went to the battlefield?
David gather ____ stones to fight Goliath
One of the items Jonathan gave David
So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers and the _______of the Lord came upon him.
What David used to cut off Goliath's head
The _____Spirit tormented Saul
Saul hurled the spear at David while he was playing the harp but he missed and it stuck in the ____
Samuel was afraid to go to Bethlehem to see Jesse - he was afraid Saul would_____him.
3 elements to a covenant Signs ______ and solemn oath
Jonathan and David made a ______ with each other
Jonathan loved David as _______
Jonathan went ahead of his armor__________
Before Calvary the Holy Spirit could_______ from a person
David's Father
Saul would walk around his house with a _____