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Bones & Muscles of Trunk 2

Blank serve to protect the lungs, heart, and other internal organs of the thorax.
____ ribs have no cartilage.
_____ oblique action is to flex vertebral column.
______ , acts as one of several origins for the diaphragm muscle that forms the floor of the ribcage and performs the vital process of respiration.
____ surface is also known as the anterior surface.
_____ abdominus is where your six pack muscles are.
Blank, connects to the ribs via cartilage, forming the front of the rib cage, and thus helps to protect the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels from injury.
Internal _______ runs between 2 adjacent ribs.
________ angle is the synarthrotic joint formed by the articulation of the manubrium
_____ vertebrae is from L1 - L5.
A ____ rib has it's own costal cartilage.
______ abdominalis compresses guts.
_____ notch is a large, visible dip in between the neck and the collarbone.
_____ oblique are when your hands are in a praying position.
______ is a long, flat, bony plate that forms the most anterior section of the rib cage.
_____ increases volume of thoracic cage.
What is the origin of internal obligue?
Costal ____ is half of a facet and is where part of the head of the rib.
Sacral _____ is closed by the sacrococcygeal ligament and provides cannular access.
___ vertebrae is to articulate securely with the pelvic girdle.
______ vertebrae is from Co1 to Co3/5.
____ intercostals elevates rib cage.
____ articular facets serve the purpose of fitting with an adjacent vertebra
A _____ rib shares cartilage.
____ is also know as the over head view.