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Crossword - Izak Robles

What about the Hunting hat resembles his brother
What about children does Holden wants to protect
Holden calls himself the most terrific ______
Who does Holden Want to protect
Where does Holden go before he was originally planning
What is the question about ducks Holden asks every one
What color is Holden's Hunting hat
What does holden think will happen if he steps down the curb - He will ____
What did holden want to do with the Prostitute
The School Holden gets kicked out of because of bad grades
What did Allie have written on his baseball glove
Who does Holden always talk up
What was Mr. Antoline doing to Holden's forehead while he slept
Name of the bar that Holden goes to in New York
How old is holden
Last name of man who comes to take away James Castle
What kind of religious people does Holden call Phonies
What Holden wants to be when he grows Up
First name of boy who jumped out window of Holden's Dorm
Who does holden want to run away with
Holden calls himself a ___ Maniac
How does Holden describe Stradlader
Who does Holden give money to at the breakfast place
Smelling Terrible
The Record Holden attempts to give to Pheobe
Where does Holden never want to go because it never changes
What does Pheobe ride at the Zoo
Nickname that Holden Gave Ackley
What does Holden Punch/Break when Allie dies
Catholics always want to know if you are _________
Loosing a lot of blood
Where does Holden pass out
Harsh Voice
Holden is bad at fist fights because he can never look his opponent in the ____
Holden reads this when in Pheobe's Room