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Classical Monsters

Oedipus defeated it when he answered its riddle correctly
The dragon that guards the garden of the hesperides
She was beaten by Athena in a weaving contest
Fed his own child to the gods
Half man half goat
The three headed dog of the underworld
Heracles' 1st Labor
Theseus defeated it
The blind cyclops from the Odyssey
Half man half horse
Death personified
Bellerophon Tamed it
A sea monster that feeds on sailors that cross her strait
An epic whirlpool
God of death
River of unbreakable oaths
The bull Minos refused to Sacrifice
River of Fire
Their voices would lure men to their deaths
They annoyed Blind King Phineas and never let him eat
Her gaze would turn men to stone
Has the golden touch
A creature that would kill children and drink their blood
The creature Bellerophon defeated