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Top Drugs

I'm a controlled med, but I'm not a c2. how many refills can I have?
My Name is Hydrochlothiazide, but my cool friends call me by my brand name and I guess its an abbreviation as well!
Statin runs in the family, cholesterol is what I am for. (Zocor)
I use this when I'm sad and it helps me with my depression. I know they call it Lexapro, but is there a generic?
I have some pills at home to help me relax my muscles. I know the brand name is flexeril, but I need to know the generic?
Ok, I'll give you two hints: Its for diabetes and if you've ever smelled it, it reeks. Generic: Metformin
I tend to forget things and I don't know why! I know the name to the med I take is donepezil but for some reason I forgot the brand?
If you buy me over the counter I come in 200mg but to get me in 400,600, or even 800mg you have to get a prescription. I am an nsaid. (Motrin)
Prinivil is the brand name for this drug?
My purpose for you is to help with your asthma. You should take me on daily basis and not miss a dose. you know me as singulair do you know my generic name?
What is the generic to Lipitor?
I am a beta blocker. Im also related to the olol, you also know me as Toprol. who am I?
I use this when Im tired and I cannot sleep. you also know me as Ambien!
We are all part of the same family aka classifications: ibuprofen, naproxen,celebrex. what are we?
What is an Abbreviation for over the counter.