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Detects strength of a person's automatic association between mental representations of concepts in memory
Belief that certain attributes are characteristic of members of a particular group
Unfair treatment of individuals based on group membership
Mistreatment of a person of a different race based on idea that your/other race is superior
Awareness of idea; results from controlled processing
Prejudice/discrimination of a person based on their gender
a social group with which an individual does not identify
Phenomenon in which outgroup is perceived as threatening to members of ingroup
Nonconscious processing commonly based on emotions
Exclusive, typically small, group of people with a shared interest or identity
Conscious, systematic processing based on careful thought
Knowledge structure consisting of any organized body of stored information
Negative attitude/affect toward members of a group
Tendency to have an opinion, or view. Often without considering evidence and other information
Not controlled by conscious mind; Results from automatic processing