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Scientific Method

A method of research in which a problem is identified, and a hypothesis is formulated and then tested, resulting in conclusions being drawn.
Supplies and equipment required for the experiment.
Sometimes scientists make a mistake, or _____, and need to do an experiment again.
To make an educated guess about a future event based on information about similar events in the past.
To name or recognize something based on its properties.
The factor of the experiment which is being changed.
To determine the extent, quantity, or dimensions of something.
The part of the scientific method where the researcher summarizes his or her findings.
To notice similarities or differences.
An educated guess about what the answer to the problem or research question will be.
Scientists use their data to make charts and ______ to communicate the results of an experiment.
To look at or observe something closely.
The factor being measured in an experiment. the thing which changes as a result of a change in the independent variable.
The collecting of information about a particular subject.
A sample, subject or group in an experiment where the factor being tested is not applied, hence, serves as a standard for comparison against another group where the factor is applied.
The steps used to test a hypothesis.
To make a list of data and information for later use.
To examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc.
A detailed series of steps to follow to perform an experiment.
The measurements or facts which are recorded as the experiment progresses.
The question being investigated by the experiment.
The practical use for the information gained from the experiment.
To make a conclusion based on reasoning and observations.
To use your senses to gather information about an object or event.