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Plate Tectonics

Convergent boundaries can form underwater __________ ranges.
When oceanic plates collide with continental plates a __________ will form between the two plates.
At a __________ plate boundary new crust is created as two or more plates pull away from each other.
Plates move one or _____ inches per year.
Divergent is where plates move ______ from one another.
Oceanic lithosphere consists mainly of ______ crust and ultramafic mantle.
On our planet oceanic plates collide with other __________ plates.
A __________ boundary occurs when two tectonic plates slide past each other.
An earthquake is the shaking of the Earths's crust due to__________of the Earth's plates.
Techtonic_________is a slab of solid rock.
The __________ mountain range was formed from the collision of the Indian plate colliding into the Eurasian plate.
Juan de Fura is the _____ plate responsible for the volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest.
_________currents carry heat from the interior of the Earth's of the surface.
A super continent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras.
When a divergent boundary occurs on land a __________, or separation, will arise and over time, that mass of land will break between them.
Divergent boundaries can create new __________.
Hear from the Earth's interior causes currents of _____ rising magma to flow.
Ridge _____ is when the mantle wells upward because of the convection.
_______ is made of feslic rocks.
Earthquakes often occur at __________ lines.