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Chapter Nine

Positive emotions • • • • • • • a person's outlook on life. (7)
The most satisfied couples are those with overly • • • • views of each other. (4)
'The • • • • • • • wasn't mine,' says the person who will not admit to their failings.(7)
Through experiences of positive emotions people become more • • • • • • • • •. (9)
• • • • • • is the most positive attitude couples need. (6)
Warm: a synonym for being • • • •(4)
Gratitude boosts • • • • • • • • •  (9)
Complete (5)
Smallest (7)
The main stem of a herbaceous plant. (5)
Showing kindness becomes • • • • • • • • • • (10)
A good way to express gratitude is to say • • • • • • • •. (5,3)
Essential (10)
Gratitude fosters strong • • • • • • • • • • • • •. (13)
Place (4)
Gratitude enlarges our ability to deal with • • • • • •  (6)
Clear (7)
The emotion of joy sparks the urge to play and be • • • • • • • •. (8)
• • • • • • • • • • transforms us for the better. (10)
Attitudes and • • • • • • • are both involved in expressing our attitudes.(7)
Individuals need to learn to express • • • • • • • • •(9)
A kind person is • • • • • • • • with their time and possessions.(8)
Showing gratitude is the • • • • • • • • • • • •  for creating happiness.
Being • • • • • • • is a characteristic of being positive.(7)
Kindness slows the • • • • • • process. (6)
Positive emotions allow us to discover and build new • • • • • •. (6)
The • • • • • • • • • part of an attitude involves beliefs and knowledge. (9)
Positive emotions • • • • • • • • • lives. (9)
Grateful people tend to have close • • • • • • ties.
Grateful people tend to have a better • • • • • • systems.
Kindness is good for the • • • • • (5)
Consciously grateful people are • • • • • • • •. (8)
• • • • • • • •• • • • • slows the rate of ageing.(15)
A positive attitude will help create this attainment. (7)
A positive • • • • • • • • is one of the most positive attributes any partner can bring to their relationship. (8)
• • • • • • • • • are powerful in shaping our relationships. (9)
Lewis Terman observed that in unhappy marriages partners emphasised the existence of cynical, • • • • • • • • attitudes. (8)
Grateful people are • • • • • • • • • • about their future. (10)
Attitude is defined as a settled way of  • • • • • • • • (8)
Grateful people are  • • • • • • • • • to their partners. (9)
Makes clear ((9)
Negative people tend to see their failures as beyond their • • • • • • •. (7)
Stress is often experienced in the • • • •(4)