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Business Organizations

An organization that promotes the welfare of its members businesses
An organization of workers formed to represent its members' interests in various employment matters
Is the investor who rents or leases the business model from the franchisor and then hopes to recoup his or her investment by selling the franchisor's goods or services
A financial organization that accepts deposits from, and makes loans to, employees of a particular company or government agency, is a service co-op
The firm legally ceases to exist when the owner dies, quits, or sells the business
The price paid for the use of another's money
A check that transfers a portion of the corporate earning to each stockholder
A business that is jointly owned by two or more personss
Works in a businesslike way to promote the collective interests of its members rather than to seek financial gain for its owners
Is the actual owner of the business that lets other investors rent or lease its name, business profile, and way of doing business
The amount borrowed
At least one partner is not active in the daily running of the business and has limited responsibility for the debts and obligations of the business
Like to fund the start-ups of family, friends, or others whose business ideas have potential, but could not otherwise obtain enough seed money
A nonprofit organization sponsored by local businesses
Is a provider of investment funds to a new or unproven business in exchange for an equity (ownership) share
Process of negotiation between union and management representatives over pay, benefits, and job-related matters
The sum of net income and non-cash charges such as depreciation is the bottom line, a more comprehensive measure of a firm's profits
A corporation that has manufacturing or service operations in a number of different countries
All partners are responsible for the management and financial obligations of the business
A stock of finished goods and parts in reserve to satisfy customers or to keep production flowing smoothly
People who own a share or shares of stock in a corporation
A written promise to repay the amount borrowed at a later date