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The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian

How many rules for fighting are there on the rezervation?
Who does Junior guard the second time they play Reardan?
What type of books did Mary want to write?
Arnold's dog.
How many funerals has Junior been to?
Arnold's favorite food?
What animal is in the legend of Turtle Lake?
Arnold was born with to much _________.
What is the name of juniors almost girl friend?
How far away is Reardan High School from the reservation?
What was Junior considered by the reservation?
Where did Mary meet her husband?
Juniors sister.
Who was Arnold's first friend at Reardan (nerd)?
What sport did Junior play?
What does Junior do after his dad picks him up when he find out his sister died?
Junior spirits best friend ?
How much money did roger loan Arnold?
What does Eugene drive?
What do the Andruss brothers call Arnold?
The triplets who pick on Arnold ?
What did Juniors sister send him (second time)?
What do Penelope and Junior do on Halloween for the poor?
Where did Arnold go before he transfered?
Where did Arnold transfer to?
How much money did Junior's dad give him for Christmas?