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Test your knowledge of how much you know about Mike and Pat Mower and their ministry with Wycliffe Bible Translators.
The Jesus _____ communicates the Gospel for people who are unable to read.
A great way to contact Mike and Pat is via _____.
When terrain doesn't allow for a runway, we use a _____ to transport missionaries.
The MATA program energizes and helps mobilize _____ for missions.
Mike can land the helio courier in _____ plane lengths.
Where Mike & Pat served from 1984-2004.
The JAARS Center in Waxhaw, NC, holds an _____ _____ 4 times a year. Y'all come!
Our heartbeat: God's Word in every _____.
Who writes most of the Mower prayer letters?
Maritime Services Department provides solutions for missionaries who travel by _____.
Aircraft passengers are strapped in with a 4-point _____.
Mike has recorded nearly 7000 flight hours in his ____.
The JAARS fleet of airplanes include the Pilatus, Kodiak, Cessna 206 and Mike's favorite, the _____ Courier.
Mike is Director of the JAARS Missions at the _____ program.
Helicopter visits to schools introduce missions to the next _____.
Wycliffe Bible Translators founder, William Cameron _____.
Considers chocolate to be a major food group.
Your ____ are essential to our well being.
The JAARS IT Department develops _____ to facilitate Bible translation and improve accuracy.
The desired result of Bible translation: transformed _____.
Mike's sentiment: I'd _____ be flying!