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Organic Compounds

Kind of hormone; found in cell membranes
Element found in all organic compounds
Fats, oils, & waxes
Kinds of amino acids
Cellulose & starch
What a teacher does
Made of many monomers
What you hope to do at school
Cost of every one of the individual items
Consist of 2 monosaccharides
No relation to your "uncle"
Half of something; a ball
When your fingers reach out and are placed on something
Blood pump
Pointy teeth in humans for shredding food
Water "hating/fearing" molecules; repel water
Not rich
Liquid lipid
Enironmental Protection Agency
Kinds of carbohydrates
What you are at the end of a life span
Unsaturated fats that are forced to take on more hydrogens
"Ship" of the desert, 1 hump or 2?
Bob, Devin, Fred, Hannah
This one is related to your uncle
Santa's little helper
Include DNA & RNA
Contractile proteins are this kind of protein
To .. or not to ....
Lipids consist of a glycerol and 3 .........
Speed up reactions without getting used up
All available bonds are filled with hydrogens
Not odd
A grain used for bread
12 of these in a foot
Water "loving" molecule
Ribonucleic acid
One job of lipids
A carb has 34 hydrogen atoms. How many oxygen atoms are there?
Include Glucose and fructose
A smell
A box to hold things
Lipids made by humans, fruit and some insects
What proteins are used for
Shoo, go away, get out of here
Plant sap carbohydrate mined in S. America
Building blocks of proteins
Two kinds; sugars & starches
What the man did to the piano to make it sound better
Not the beginning
Used to chop down the cherry tree?
Corn, wheat, or oats in a field
Kind of organic compound that contains Nitrogen
A pentose has ..... carbons
Christmas color
Emotion, sadness, inspiring pity; "How ..... is that?
Chemical messengers made by glands
Sugar in milk
Not far
"Chair" with no back; may have just 3 legs
What carbs are used for
Hopefully you don't find any of these in your hair
Where DNA is usually found in a cell
Kinds of organic compounds
Compound ending in -ose
Source of saturated fats and protein
Not night
Kinds of DNA
A hexose has ..... carbons
Enzymes end in this
Test for carbon