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Test #3 Crossword

CNA 2017
The period of heart muscle relaxation.
The beat of the heart felt at an artery as a wave of blood passes through the artery.
Care that involves cleaning the genital and anal areas.
BP measurements remaining above SBP of 140 mm Hg or a DBP below 60 mm Hg.
Breathing fluid, food, vomitus, or an object into the lung.
An artificial tooth or a set of artificial teeth.
Slow heart rate less than 60 bpm.
Absorbs water from the chyme during digestion.
The passage of a hard, dry stool.
A surgically created opening between the colon and the abdominal wall.
The swelling of body tissues with water.
The period of heart muscle contraction.
Type of incontinence where urine is lost in response to a sudden, urgent need to void.
The frequent passage of liquid stools
Type of incontinence where urine leaks during exercise and certain movements that cause pressure on the bladder.
Type of incontinence where the person has bladder control but cannot use the toilet in time.
Breathing air into and out of the lungs.
Tool to measure the body temperature.
The breakdown of food so the body can absorb and use it's nutrients.
Rapid heart rate greater than 100 bpm.
Keep the catheter drainage bag below this level.
A microbe that causes diarrhea and intestinal infections.