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Government Acronyms

Awards grants for researchers.
Created in 1965 to help low income families.
Was created after the 9/11 attacks and made a cabinet level department in 2003.
Insures deposits people make in banks.
Establishes rules for air traffic.
Created in 1921 to ensure federal offices stay within the law and budget guidelines.
Began during New Deal and insures mortgages.
Nicknamed Freddie Mac. Also pools mortgage loans and sells them.
Under the Treasury Department.
Oil reserve in Alaska.
Oversee actions in six geographic locations.
Inspects and grades food for the U.S. Began in 1862.
Certifies the quality of foods and cosmetics sold in America.
Oversees operations in the aerospace field.
Highest ranking members of the U.S military.
New Deal program to better use resources.
Sets standards for granting loans and makes sure the local farm credit associations operate according to government guidelines.
Established in 1887 and oversees the practices of railroads.
The person who wins a game.
Was created in 1979 and accounts for one fourth of national spending.
Third original executive department created.
Was created in 1953. It replaced the Federal Security Agency.
Act that places limits on how unions and corporations can spend money on political campaigns.
Federal response to national disasters.
Passed in 2010 and changed the way Americans pay for and receive health care.
Nicknamed Ginnie Mae. Also pools mortgage loans and sells them.
Investigates threats of terrorism and foreign intrigue.
Nicknamed Fannie Mae. Pools mortgage loans and sells them.
Created because of the stock market crash in 1929.
Issues weather forecasts and disseminates weather data.
Coordinates intelligence gathering in the government.
Replaced a similar corporation in 1971, and delivers mail to people in and out of the country.
Was created in 1870 following the Civil War.
Oversees the infrastructure, and was created in 1966.
Provide grants for artists.
Created in 1953 to provide loans to small businesses.
Handles programs for retired soldiers and was made a cabinet level department in 1989.
Regulates communication by radio, television, telephone, telegraph, satellite, cable,and internet.
Private mail company.
Conducts elections by workers when they want a union to represent them.