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All about 4-H

The 4-H emblem is a four leaf ____
I pledge my ____ to clearer thinking
The 4-H motto is "To ____ the best better!"
The secondary 4-H color that represents purity and high ideals
The land grant university 4-H is a affiliated with in New Jersey
One of the requirements to be a 4-H member in good standing includes attending 70% of ________
This town is where the National 4-H Youth Conference Center is located
The 4-H slogan is "Learning by ____"
When 4-H began, the girls were part of the _____ club
I pledge my ____ to larger service
When 4-H began, the boys were part of the ____ club
The primary 4-H color that represents nature and life
This is the first of three 4-H mission mandates. It entails working for the betterment of ones community
A 4-H member that is between the grades of kindergarten and 3rd grade
This is the third of three 4-H mission mandates. It entails STEM, Animal, Agriculture, Environmental, and Life studies.
A trained volunteer who oversees the 4-H members in a club is called a
This is the second of three 4-H mission mandates. It entails opportunities to achieve optimal physical, social, and emotional well-being.
I pledge my ____ to greater loyalty
This is the name of the NJ state 4-H camp grounds located in northern NJ
I pledge my ____ to better living