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Story Elements

Please use this crossword to help study for tomorrow's test!
The most exciting point in the story.
Character fighting the elements. (____vs_____)
You are seeing thinking or feeling all the things in the story
Good Guy
Outside observer telling us the thoughts and feelings of one character.
Outside observer telling us the thoughts and feelings of all characters
Character fighting an internal dilemma or disability (____vs_____)
Character against the institution or community. (____vs_____)
How things end up and the problem is solved...(or is it...)
A conflict occurring outside the character's self
An individual, usually a person whom the story is about
Events occurring after the climax.
Where the character faces a series of conflicts.
Bad Guy
A struggle between two forces
Outside observer focusing on multiple characters but not all.
He, She, or It are the ones thinking or feeling all the things in the story
A conflict occurring with in the character's self
Who's "eyes" you see a story through is this.
"I" am seeing, thinking or feeling all the things in the story