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Basic part 4, chap 8: taking charge of your irrational tendencies

" it's true because i believe it "
The center for egocentric thought
Power used to serve rational ends and pursues those ends in a reasonable manner
Action that has the ability to withstand reasonable criticism when brought entirely into the open
" it's true because i want to believe it"
An egocentric thought that is keen on achieving what it is motivated to achieve
Used to hide the real reason for a thought
Ego function that is centered on self-actualization or gratification
The goal of an egocentric thought
A product of egocentric thought
Judgement before the evidence
A disciplined and flexible thought
" it's true because we believe it"
Helps us learn to explicitly recognize that thinking process
" it's true because i have always believed it"
Create a formidable barrier to critical thinking
Ego function that is centered on pleasing others
Aids our rational capacities to develop