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Basic, Part 4,chap 8:taking charge of your irrational tendencies

Used to hide the real reason for a thought
The goal of an egocentric thought
The ability of an individual to understand what lies behind their motivation
Helps us learn to explicitly recognize that thinking process
An egocentric thought that is keen on achieving what it is motivated to achieve
Ego function that is centered on self-actualization or gratification
Power used to serve rational ends and pursues those ends in a reasonable manner
A product of egocentric thought
Judgement before the evidence
Create a formidable barrier to critical thinking
Aids our rational capacities to develop
A disciplined and flexible thought
The center for egocentric thought
Ego function that is centered on pleasing others
Tendency to view everything in relationship to oneself
Action that has the ability to withstand reasonable criticism when brought entirely into the open