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Genesis to Exodus

How long did it rain while the family and animals were in the ark?
The princess found him among the reeds in the Nile River.
Who tempted Eve to disobey God?
God created us because of His great____.
The pharaoh decided to kill all the baby____.
Who ate the fruit from the tree God said could not be eaten?
The Israelites lived in_________for 400 years in Egypt
The second book of the Bible
Built an ark in obedience to God.
Isaac's son who was given the family blessing
Abraham and Sarah's only son.
Moses found out he was not an Egyptian, but he was really a_________.
The creator of heaven and earth
People were hungry because of no food.
Promised by God after the first sin by Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis
The first book of the Bible
To disobey God
Jacob had 12 sons, but his favorite was______.
Called by God to leave his homeland to go to another land, and God would give him more children than all the stars in the sky.
A sign that God would never punish mankind by a flood again.
The first man God created
Jacob's twin brother