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Livescan Puzzle

The approximate center of the fingerprint pattern.
Without these, charges will not be posted to an individual's criminal history.
Ridges enter from one side, making a rise or wave in the center and exit generally on the opposite side.
When arrest fingerprints are not taken and submitted, who may be able to work with children?
Point at or nearest the divergence of lines (aka fork in the road).
Ridges enter from either side, recurve and tend to pass out the same side they enter.
This field indicates the reason for the submission of fingerprints.
The ridges of this pattern are usually circular.
When an individual is held without arrest charges, what is the listed purpose for the hold.
Fingers should be rolled from one side of this to the other to capture all the details of a fingerprint.
Court disporsitions and arrest fingerprints are linked together by Name, DOB, ORI and_____.