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Quality Week October 16th

Report is done by the offgoing nurse and the oncoming nurse at shift change
Is required with active listening to hear the thoughts vs the words.
A component of quality that reduces waits and sometimes harmful delays for those who receive and provide care
Documentation improvement specialists ensure our providers document needed information related to the patients health
This allows patients to access their own health records electronically
In AIDET, the A stands for ------
Patients need a lactic acid, blood cultures, antibiotics and a fluid bolus of 30cc/kg
Providers are informed of these within 60 minutes
Is required from October 1-Mar 31
Rounding with purspose is done to identify patient needs timely
Is entered after an unexpected event
A component of quality that avoids waste including equipment supplies ideas and energy
A component of quality that Avoids injuries to patients from the care that is intended to help them
Is needed daily for patients with a foley catheter
All doors to sensistive areas are closed when not in use
Is perhaps the key component of quality and the cause of majority of errors
You must have 2 pt identifiers to ensure pts get the correct treatment at STHS
Committee reviews pt safety situations, data and helps improve the care provided at STHS
Is the acronym used to speak up when staff are concerned about a safety issue
This program evaluates pt satisfaction and is reported to CMS