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Chapter 2 Crossword B

A schedule that contains what should be cleaned, who should clean it, when it should be cleaned, and how it should be cleaned
Food that is most vulnerable for pathogen growth is also referred to as food that needs time and temperature control for safety
Parasites are organisms that live on or in another organism (the host). The parasite receives nutrients from the host.
The temperature range between 41°F and 135°F. Pathogens grow well in food that has a temperature in this range.
A way to remember the six conditions pathogens need to grow: food, acidity, temperature, time, oxygen, and moisture.
The path that food takes in an operation. It begins when you buy the food and ends when you serve it
When two or more people get the same illness after eating the same food items
Can cause illness, but most commonly, they are responsible for spoiling food. Fungi are found in air, soil, plants, water, and some food. Mold and yeast are two examples of fungi.
Can spoil food quickly. The signs of spoilage include the smell or taste of alcohol, white or pink discoloration, slime, and bubbles.
These policies must address personal cleanliness, clothing, hand care, and health in order to prevent foodhandlers from contaminating food.
Molds grow under almost any condition, but especially in acidic food with little moisture. Molds often spoil food and sometimes produce toxins that can make people sick. Refrigerator and freezer temperatures may slow the growth of molds, but cold doesn't kill them
The points in a process where identified hazard(s) can be prevented, eliminated, or reduced to safe levels.
Food that is cooked to the wrong internal temperature, held at the wrong temperature, or cooled and reheated improperly
Something with the potential to cause harm. In the preparation of food, hazards are divided into three categories: biological, chemical, and physical
A person, animal, or plant on which another organism, such as a parasite, lives and feeds.
The body's negative reaction to a food protein
The microorganisms that cause illness
This includes more than just the people who prepare food. Servers and even dishwashers are considered foodhandlers, because they either handle food directly or work with the surfaces that food will touch