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Home of a Goddess ;)

Place where u worship (not a church)
People who lived in Athens
The one who made the statue of Athena
Building dedicated to a Athena
A type of material used to make the statue Athena
Athena 's pet
Used in a lot of Greek buildings
The room inside of a Greek temple
City state
A girl god
Language that they speak in Greece
Sculpture along the lengths of a temple wall
Used to make the Parthenon
Goddess of wisdom and war
A city where the Parthenon is
The hill that the Parthenon is on
King of Greece who thought up the Parthenon
A type of Greek column around the Parthenon
A mountain where the Greek gods and goddesses live
A sculpture representing a person or a thing
Also to make the statue of Athena which is a material
Another type of Greek column used in the Parthenon
Where they speak Greek and Athena the goddess was born there and lived there