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The Open Window by Saki

The position in which the French window is kept
Storyteller, name derived from the word veracity
Wet spongy ground of decomposed vegetation where the men are thought to have disappeared
Residence of a parish priest where Framton's sister had lived
Vera claimed Framton was once hunted into a ______ by a pack of parish dogs
A waterproof raincoat made of rubberized fabric that the husband carried
Came along the road and ran into a hedge to avoid hitting the men returning home
The Aunt's husband went on the trip with the Aunt's two _____
Main focus of Framton's conversation with Aunt
Aunt said Framton dashed off as if he had seen a ________.
What did the three men carry under their arms?
Month the story takes place
Did Framton move to this rural or urban area to recover?
Single man, new to town
How many figures were seen walking across the lawn?
Ironically, what does the word "veracity" mean?
Last name of the Aunt who owned the house
The breed of dog that accompanied the hunters
Relationship of the person who wrote the letters for Framton
What did Vera claim Framton was afraid of? "...horror of____"