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part2,chapter6: jumping to conclusions

Can cause anyone to sometimes see things that don't exist
treating with a bronchodilator like albuterol should fix the problem
Is mandatory for all children attending public schools in the United States
In parts of Europe where vaccination programs are voluntary
Has a difficult problem to solve in recognizing faces,objects and words
Results from a pattern perception mechanism gone awry
highly sensitive to real faces
can be distorted to match our conceptions of what we should remember
Forbids images of Allah
Patients reported greater pain when cold rain was on the way
Nature of the virus itself creates a perfect recipe for epidemics
Beliefs about causation lead us to perceive pattern consistent with those beliefs
caused by something the child swallowed
Estimates death rates as high as 10 percent from outbreaks in such regions
Can distinguish a face from other objects
central to our lives
Some Are more likely to reflect an actual causal relationship than others
Has exceeded that threshold for more than a decade
the first visible evidence that distinguishes the measles infection from other viruses
Is among the most infectious viruses affecting children
You turn up in order to hear a weak signal
Saw something strange after she bit into a grilled cheese sandwich she had just made
Are common in Africa and parts of Asia
For four days before the rash appears