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Witches Rallye 2017

The apparition of a dead person
The time when a gremlin should not be fed after
This buxom mistress of the night often introduced horror movies
This is said to make people crazy and/or turn into werewolves
The proper name of a gremlin
Actor who played Frankenstein
Non-dead person who eats brains
What children hope to get when they say "Trick or Treat"
Dark vampire and werewolf movie starring a young lady wearing a lot of shiny black leather
A woman who rides a broom into the night
This actor was interviewed as a vampire
Actually a very useful creature to have in your house to eat flies
A man who uses magic spells
Director of "Bram Stoker's Dracula" movie
The original vampire film
If a ghost touches you it might leave this on your skin
The monster that was made from other body parts
The head ghost the Ghostbusters had to vanquish
A superstition says if this creature crosses your path it might be bad luck
The halloween candy that everyone generally despises