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Adult Crossword

Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, and _____ were present when the cornerstone for the University was laid.
What is the nickname of the UVA's 1940 quarterback who was drafted #1 in the NFL?
What Cup does UVA hope to win on Nov. 24th when they play Virginia Tech?
Which president has a statue on the Lawn besides Jefferson?
Why was the Rotunda renovated in the 1890s?
What is the Virginia Athletics official fan group called?
From 1913-1930, UVA football games were played at ____ Field, named after the school's first athletic director.
Which happened first at UVA - full co-education or desegregation?
Who was the University's first president?
Bronco Mendenhall left ____ to coach at Virginia.
"For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as ____ is left free to combat it."
When the University first opened, all the professors (except American law) were from where?
Who will the University's 9th president be?
Which future president lived on the Range while in law school at UVA?
In 2005, what division of the ACC did UVA enter?
What hashtag does the football team wear as a patch?
Where was the first library of the University housed?
Which Union officer (who went on later in life to become famous/infamous) accepted the surrender of the University and Charlottesville during the Civil War?
Who was UVA's head coach from 2010-2015?
Which UVA football player twins played for the Giants and Buccaneers?