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Happy Schappy Crossword #2

If your dog's tail is does this, they are happy!
Small jumping and biting insect for which we treat our dogs.
Fine or wide-toothed ________ is a good grooming tool.
There are ____________ types of brushes used for grooming.
A hair tangle.
The downy hair that makes of the Schappy's coat is called the _____________.
This area of most dogs has softer hair than the rest of the body.
A dense mat made worse by friction is called a ________ mat.
A good harsh topcoat makes the Schappy's coat _________-resistant.
Handy electronic devices used to trim hair very short.
Break grooming time into ______ intervals to get your dog accustomed to handling.
Your Schappy does need to be brushed out. If you can't do it, then finding a professional _________ will help.
Shortening the hair in this area makes it easier to trim toenails.
Dog coats that have two textures like the Schappy are called ________ coats
Because food is easily trapped here, washing your dog's ________ frequently is a good idea.