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CSI Unit Test Review

Studying this animal led scientists to discover the Rh factor in blood
Evidence that is formed as an object leaves a "mark" on another one, such as tire tracks, tool marks, & bite marks
Principle that states "with contact between two items, there will be an exchange."
Type of fiber that is man-made
Database that can be used to find matches for fingerprints found at a crime scene
Process of separating a mixture into its individual components, such as determining the compounds in gasoline
The universal solvent
Database used to find matches to bullets or firearms found at a crime scene
AB+ blood is known as this
Database that is used to find matches for DNA evidence gathered from a crime scene or victim
Points on a fingerprint where the ridge structure changes, such as forks, bridges, and deltas
Name of the bottom jaw bone
Substances that give color to objects, such as paint, hair, and fibers
Bottom portion of hair in which nuclear DNA can be found
Can be analyzed to determine the sex, stature, age, and race of a victim
Genetic material that can be extracted from body tissues and used to create a profile to identify a victim or suspect
Can be analyzed to determine its properties, such as color, tint, thickness, density, chemical composition, and refractive index (RI).
Forms when an object is torn or broken; edges can be examined to see if they match
Substance made of keratin and is composed of the cuticle, cortex, and medulla
Type of print left on a surface at a crime scene, such as a tool handle, glass, door, etc.
Can be matched to a weapon and analyzed to determine a weapon's size, shape, or length as well as clues about the victim or suspect
O- blood is known as this
This blood type will not clump in the presence of anti-A, anti B, or anti-Rh serum
Study of firearms and ammunition
Name of the top jaw bone
Type of fiber made from plants or animals
Abbreviation for gunshot residue