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Literary Terms 51-75

When the words at the end of each sentence are similar in sound.
The purposeful removal of conjunction while remaining grammatically correct.
he outline of which of the literature follow with several literary devices to give the book a certain aspect the author was looking for.
When the readers dives into the thoughts of the character.
When a specific feature is exaggerated to be made humorous.
Something having a particular association to something else.
A pentameter that has five metrical feet and consist of one short syllable and a long syllable.
The author’s use of using slang or informal language.
When the author says something ironically or to mock someone.
When a typical character, event, or situation that represents reoccurring themes in human nature.
A comparison between two unlike things that do not use “like” or “as”.
The use of specific words and crafted in certain ways given the situation and is often time used to convey subliminal messages.
Purposeful mockery of a piece of work for comedic affect.
A long narrative poem, often time is about heroism.
A figure of speech of which concepts are conceptualized through indirect references.
The specific category of which a book can fall into.
When two opposite things are joined together.
in literature is when a character has generalized traits and reflects a specific generalization about a given demographic.
When there are two opposing forces battling each other whether it’s internal or external.
When the author begins to address an imaginary person, thing, or concept.
When an object, concept, or person represents something different meaning and greater value.
The feelings that the reader experiences through the author’s writing.
A figure of speech that is self-contradictory but can be truthful.
When an author uses comedic elements such as sarcasm humor, and jokes to criticize or ridicule society.
A stanza that consists of 4 lines and alternating lines.