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Among The Imposters Crossword

What did Luke use to knock out Jason when he tried to attack Luke
Where did Luke find Jason talking on the phone when he followed him
Name of school Luke went to
What did Jen try to do to end the third child law
What was Luke's dead friends name
Name of the book's author
Who was Jason talking on the phone to when Luke followed him
What was the real reason Hendricks School For Boys was created for
What did Luke's mom used to make for him that Luke liked
What was Luke's fake identity name.
What outlawed food had Mr.Talbot given Luke once
Name of the boy that tried to reveal Luke's Identity
Nickname Luke gave Jason when he first met him
What was the nickname that kids used for third children
What was Luke given if he miss-behaved that he didn't understand.
What was the name of the kid that showed him around the school when he was new?
How many third children did Jason try to reveal at lunch to the Pop. Police
What was it that Luke tried to make in the woods before it failed.
What happened to the man that Luke got his fake identity from.
Name of girl that tried to reveal Luke's Identity
What were the names of Luke's brothers
What did the note say that Mr.Talbot gave Luke on his first day at school
What was Luke's teacher's name that knew about all the third children
What was the nickname used at Hendricks for people that live out in the country
What did Luke forget to grab when he took Jason to the Nurse