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Microbiology Crossword - Unit 2, Part 1

Can cause metastatic pyothorax in dogs, partially acid-fast
M. avium is highly resistant to _______ drugs.
Inhibits growth of M. bovis
Grows rapidly compared to other Mycobacteria, pulmonary disease in dogs and humans
Feline leprosy
Piglets can cause superficial lesions on the sow when nursing and lead to infections of this bacteria - you can see "sulfur granules" in the lesions
Antigen used to induce a DTH reaction
Diseases caused by tubercle bacilli
Obligate parasite of oropharynx and GI tract, can be seen in hamster periodontal disease
Causes granulomatous osteomyelitis in cattle
Actinomycosis in humans, seen most often in men 15-35 years old.
Bacterium that causes false positive results for tuberculosis testing in cattle
Produced from culture filtrates of M. paratuberculosis, used for DTH test for Johne's disease
Causes an exudative dermatitis in multiple species, but seen a lot in horses- can release motile zoospores, can be seen in a Giemsa stain; "lumpy wool" in sheep
Where are lesions for M. avium serotypes 1, 2, 4 and 8 generally found?
New abbreviation for what was formerly MAIS
Compound that can kill Mycobacterium