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The Church

2018 IT Religion - The Church
Inner structure of a dome
Sacred area in a church set apart for the altar and ambo
Sink used for pouring out holy water remaining after Mass
Candle that burns when host is in tabernacle (2 words)
A beacon to direct the faithful to the house of God (2 words)
Lectern from which Scriptures are proclaimed
Small table used to hold items needed for the Mass (2 words)
Members of the Church who have not taken Holy Orders
Person in charge of preparing the altar vessels for the Mass
Container that holds the consecrated hosts left over from the Mass
Vessel used to hold the consecrated hosts during the Mass
Priest who celebrates the Mass
Pertaining or relating to the Church
A visible sign of Grace instituted by Christ
Font that holds holy water
Large semicircular end of a church that contains the altar
In the shape of a cross
Cabinet used to store sacred oils
Consecrated mixture of oil and balsam used in sacramental rites
Vessel used for exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Visual images and symbols in a church
Conversion of heart toward God and away from sin
Small candles lit in front of image of saint as homage (2 words)
Candle lit during Easter and Masses of Christian Burial (2 words)
Plate that holds the unconsecrated hosts
Cup that holds the consecrated wine and water of Christ's blood
Church built to house the remains of one or more martyrs
Last Eucharist received before a person dies
Two parts of a church at right angles from the nave and sanctuary
Type of three-dimensional sculpture
Cross with the figure of the crucified Jesus
Underground chamber beneath the church's main floor
Center and focal point of a Church; sacrificial table
Main body of a church where worshippers gather